
Also known as Menia or Minia, it is the capital of the homonymous Governorate, on the western bank of the Nile River. This city, located 225 km south of Cairo, is called by the locals the Bride of Upper Egypt, because It Is Located Just On The Boundary Between The Kingdoms Of Upper And Lower Egypt
Some Of The Most Highlights Of Minia Are
Tell El Amarna, The Ancient Egyptian City Of Aketaton, Also Called Amarna, Was The Capital Built By Pharaoh Akhenaten And Abandoned Shortly After His Death (Ca. 1336 BCE) It Was Here That He Pursued His Vision Of A Society Dedicated To The Worship Of His Only God: Aton.
Beni Hassan, located about 20 kilometers south of El-Minia and almost 300 kilometers south of the capital, Cairo, was during the Middle Kingdom the place dedicated to the worship of the minor goddess Pajet, which was closely linked to the coronation ceremony of the pharaohs. At present, in the area you can see a necropolis that has been dated to the period comprised by the 11th and 12th dynasties, whose tombs were used by the rulers of the nome:
the most outstanding tombs
Tomb 2 - Amenemhet, known as Ameni, nomarch of Sesostris I.
Tomb 3 - Jnumhotep II, monarch with Amenemhat II, Sesostris II and Sesostris III.
Tomb 15 - Baqet III: with paintings on fighting techniques.
Tomb 17 - Jety, monarch of the XI dynasty, son of Baqet.
Tuna El Gabal
This funerary city comprised both stone temples and adobe tombs and dwellings, some of which were richly painted inside This funerary city comprised both stone temples and adobe tombs and dwellings, some of which were richly painted in its interior. The city was ordered according to an urban plan, with squares and streets, hydraulic system, workshops, warehouses, places of worship, etc. The most outstanding: Stela A of Ajenaton, Tomb of Petosiris Catacombs of ibis and baboons
Hermopolis of El Ashmunein, City of Hermes was given to the cities that were consecrated to the god Thot, whom the Greeks identified with their Hermes. It was the most important city of his cult. The Egyptian term Jenum.
In the city there was a large temple dedicated to Thot, of which only a few column bases remain. It also included an enclosure surrounded by a 15 meter high wall around the temple.
Zawiyyet Al-Mayyiteen Christian-Muslim Cemetery
The Virgin Mary Monastery